
The higher volume feed of Arjun Narayan

  1. Electronic Voting is Bad

    Election security is not the problem. Common knowledge is....

  2. DoD paranoia on Chinese tech transfer

    I recently came across a DoD report on the threat of China stealing US innovations that I found interesting....

  3. Assorted Links
    1. The Hipster Antitrust movement scares me, possibly more than anything else to do with the tech industry. I believe that a bipartisan coalition is building to move against Silicon Valley, and destroy the last remaining sector of innovation in the western economy....

  4. Announcement: If you're reading this post in a feed reader, you should probably unsubscribe

    I've reworked the RSS feeds for this blog, and you should now be subscribing to individual user RSS feeds. If you're seeing this post show up as a new post in an RSS feed, you're subscribed to the sitewide feed. You probably don't want that....